Bacardi is a hypocrit here is his severs forum rules;
Forum rules
No Fighting
No Adult content [MA+]
No creating double accounts
Controlled profanity.
No Spamming or useless one word replies.
No Harassing
No Double posting
Do not post in a thread if something above has been already said. Verbatim.
If a thread dead or it's over 2 weeks old, please don't reply.
Do not type in all capital letters. You'll most likely get ignored than being answered.
Blog rules
You may not start a new thread in someone else's blog.
You must post a blog once every two weeks, or your blog will be deleted.
Rules for trolling :
You're on the forums to have fun, so I understand why you troll.
I understand you, but sadly other people don't ):
So rules for trolling is.. You can troll if you're not discriminating against race, sex, or religion.
If an admin tells you to stop trolling, stop.
Troll at your own risk
here is what he said on these forums- " s2jamezz so tuff man
yu accept the trade when i gave you like 90k coconuts and now you're sucking up lyk u didnt do nuffin. i would smack you but i don't know which face to smack first you two faced nigger (racist) fuck
and nexon, i know so much because i've been developing since v54 and titan. you prob don't even know what it is cause you black (trolling) and what do cotton pickers (racist) know these days rii?
quit sucking gms cocks(troll) becuz this is a pserver. every private server will shut down eventually, it's just a matter of time.
sucking up just leads you to losing more and more of your pride, WAIT A MINUTE HOLD ON you're black, you got no pride. (racist) "[b]