Age/Gender=16 M.
Country/Time Zone= Virginia,USA Eastern Standard Time
Email and/or MSN= thehuynhcrew@yahoo.com
I wish to be an intern to help the people. I have an honest heart, and I truly want to help the community prosper and grow. I am considerably active; I give all of my available time to GenesisMS. I can also answer people’s questions. I know that you will say that normal players can answer questions too, but I wish for players to directly ask me questions, and ill answer them with my honest answer/correct answer. I believe that I am very integrated with the game, but I also want to become an intern to be more social and host events. I also learned from other servers that donors are also able to host event/looking when GM hides. I really want to do that, and having GM'S commands. I really want that. My Parents will also never let me donate for games, so that means i can't be a donor.Being able to jail and ban instead of just reporting to someone of staff position can be much more effective and efficient.I want to help the community to the fullest since I can't seem to leave this community.
I also wish with all my heart, to learn more stuff everyday by becoming a GM. Like learning from other GMS && players. I also wanna make new friends/close friends by being a GM.They say that you learn from experience, and i wanna see how learning experiences is in becoming a GM.
Another Reason why i wanna become a GM is because, i wanna say "stop spamming/hacking/etc" to other people. If i do find one, first of all, i would hide, and take a screen-shot of that person, and prove it to a GM that, that person is hacking.
I also wanna become a GM, because i actually never became a GM and i really want to see how it is.
Thanks for reading this app, i hope you accept me <3 thanks (: