Country/Time Zone=Los Angeles,CA Pacific Time
Email and/or MSN=bfyong38@gmail.com
I wish to be an intern to help other people. I am very honest, and I want people to help out the community and make its population grow. I will spend all of my time trying to make GeneisisMS a good and popular server. I will help people if they need any help. I will answer all of their questions and become a helpful GM. I will tell them all of the correct answers so they can continue on training. I saw in other servers that the GMs there were really useful. I'll be the same as the other GMs in the other servers, helpful! I saw the other servers that you needed to donate to be a donor, but my parents wouldn't let me donate. So if i become a GM I will be really happy. I'll learn all of the GM commands and will do my best to host events.
I will do everything to become a GM. It has been my dream to become one! I will make new friends if I become a GM, they will be my best friends. I want to experience how it feels like to be a GM.
I also want to be a GM because I will report hackers. I also want to tell the other people to stop spamming. I would hide then take a screenshot while the hacker is still there.It will show that the person is really hacking!
Thanks for reading this. I hope I will be a GM so i can actually experience it! Thank You!